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Grief is not brief

Despite the contrary belief ....grief is never brief. You have often heard me say time and time again that "Grief is a journey. It requires constant rest". Grief is a "fall out"" with all that you believe. I WILL EVEN DARE TO MAKE A BOLD STATMENT LIKE ""IT IS A FALL OUT WITH YOUR FAITH" Come on. Let's be truthful. Sometimes you argue with God over loss. We are human beings and although we understand that there is a time to live and a time to die; we do not like to keep that end of the arrangement. "time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted". Ecclesiastes: 3:2. We want to control things through sequential order. God does not have a sequential order. He works everything after the counsel of His Perfect and Divine will. I don't know what your belief system is but for Christians the bible tells us that "The days of the upright are numbered by the Lord, and their heritage will be for ever" Psalms 37:18 and "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom,Psalm 90:12. But we do not grieve as one that has no hope. "Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. I Thessalonians 4:13-18.

During this "fall out" we must be fully engaged with the promises and comfort of scripture. It is the prescribed first line of defense against this unfriendly guest called grief. It stays around a long time. even years and sometimes there is no relief found through others that we often seek. We seek for comfort and companionship, friendship and extra care. Life goes on for all of us. However time has stopped for some of us. It is very natural. You are not crazy, or weird to love so deeply that you are frozen in a time zone of love and deep longing for your loved one. You miss their laughter, touch, breath and all that connects you to them. Grief is not brief- You will forever miss that union.

Stay strong, Hold on to the memories. Live life well. Manage each day on purpose. Allow yourself to rest. You are on a journey. It requires that you be gentle and good and kind to yourself. It requires you rest from the grief.

Blessings, and Wholeness,:

Glorya Bolden,

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