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Good Choices

You are not alone. Please reach out when you need to. Especially when you feel like you are alone. There are many ways that we can support you. I am always assessing the needs of from calls I get and information that I receive. But I am not a mind reader. Communication is key for navigating grief cycles. Grief -like humans is unpredictable and cannot be adequately described or explained. It has a sudden impact whether expected, unexpected, planned or unplanned. The sudden impact leaves a catastrophic hole that someone who loved and cared for once filled. Throughout the rest of your life, you will attempt to fill that hole with an equal amount of impact your loved one had on your life. How can anything or anyone else fulfill the future you anticipated. If you are a Christian or have a belief in God, then you must know this is not the end. There is more to the story. It is only the beginning of something greater and more meaningful. However, the choice is yours to even consider this could be true. I can assure you it is. There are a lot of things in life we can change. But this is not one of them. We must choose to accept the things we cannot change, make the choice to change what we are able to and the wisdom to know the difference. Do something good today for yourself.

Be healed and Whole,

Glorya Bolden

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