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Good morning! Happy Sunday. I call the image of this work of art on canvas by Rebekah Awtry, my cheerful angel. Whenever I am feeling kind of let's just say "deflated". I look at this canvas and somehow feel better. Do I worship angels? Absolutely NOT. But I do believe in angels. I believe that we have help on our journey that is unexplainable. Whether you subscribe to this belief or not is solely up to you. However, I also believe that human beings can become our angels also. They are the ones that just show up when you need them. Some you know and some you do not. For example, just recently in my line of work I met a young lady over the phone who sounded like she really needed some encouragement. It was always a pleasure to speak to her, but I connected with the sadness she was feeling. After briefly speaking with her I learned that she had recently lost her spouse. I offered her my coaching services and our first session was amazing. I am sure we will always in some way be connected. I was her "angel" that day and after our session she became my angel. I love it when the miraculous happen. You know what I mean? Something that you didn't plan or know you needed at the time, and it shows up right on time! At Grief Sabbath we are here if and when you need us. Our connections help us offer the best we can to give you the rest you need while on your journey.

So do yourself a favor. Take good care of yourself.

Be Healed and Whole,

Glorya Bolden

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